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5 Reasons Why a Dentist May Decide to Extract a Tooth

January 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lrfamily @ 8:49 pm
A dentist holding a tooth following a tooth extraction.

While many people may not know this, dentists actually do everything possible to avoid tooth extractions if they are able. After all, dentistry has developed to a point where restorative treatments can save even the most damaged teeth from extraction. However, there are some instances where removal of a tooth is actually the best option moving forward and there are a variety of reasons for doing so. If you believe you may need a tooth extracted, here are five reasons why they are performed to help you better prepare ahead of your next appointment.

Severe Decay

When plaque goes unremoved for long periods of time, it can break down the thick layers of enamel and reach the center of the tooth where the pulp lies. This in turn causes the tooth to decay and eventually die. Keep in mind that tooth decay is considered an infection, which means it can spread to neighboring teeth as well. If the tooth is not salvageable through restorative treatments, an extraction will prevent the risk of the decay spreading throughout the mouth.

Gum Disease

As gum disease irritates and inflames gum tissue, it doesn’t only lead to bleeding gums and gum recession. In its most severe forms, it can also break down the underlying bone tissue that holds teeth in place. When broken down enough, teeth can become loose and even fall out. If the tooth has no reliable foundation to stay in the jaw, it needs to be removed.


When a tooth is blocked from coming out, either from another tooth or because the gum tissue did not erupt properly, it can become impacted. When left untreated, an oral infection can easily develop. Impacted teeth can also damage your nearby healthy teeth, leading to other oral complications. For example, impacted teeth can also lead to overcrowding, which causes the bite to become misaligned.


Outside of impaction, dentists may remove teeth to prevent overcrowding. This is often a problem with wisdom teeth (also known as third molars) as the mouth is usually not large enough to accompany them. In some cases, teeth need to be removed in order to make room for an orthodontic treatment. Of course, this is determined ahead of time with an orthodontist so no teeth are removed unless they absolutely have to be.

Physical Trauma

Teeth are held in place by the periodontal ligament, a small band of soft oral tissue. If you experience a bad fall or sporting injury, it can potentially damage your tooth so much that this ligament tears and leaves your tooth knocked out or loosened. If the damage is severe enough, the tooth may not be able to be reimplanted.

Even if a tooth does need to be extracted, there are options available to you to have it replaced. The last thing you should do is assume you don’t need treatment and allow your dental problem to get worse! Call a dentist today to get the treatment your smile needs.

About Little Rock Family Dental Care

With a team of 14 dentists ready to serve you, Little Rock Family Dental Care is sure to have a timeslot available! Not only do we have two oral surgeons and an onsite endodontist ready to help, but we’re more than prepared to serve you after hours in case of a dental emergency. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or fear that you may need to have a tooth extracted, don’t hesitate to contact our office through our website.

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