Cosmetic Dentist Little Rock

Making Your Smile Shine

Several people in a row smiling

You could be taking excellent care of your teeth, but over time, they may become dull, worn down, and/or damaged. These cosmetic flaws may not necessarily be harmful to your oral health, but they can still be embarrassing enough to prevent you from smiling openly in front of others. Our dentists at Little Rock Family Dental Care can help you feel comfortable and confident with your grin again; simply contact our dental office to ask about our various options for cosmetic dentistry in Little Rock, AR, to correct and enhance your smile.

Why Choose Little Rock Family Dental Care for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • We’re Open Saturdays at Our West Location
  • Crowns Designed and Milled In-Office
  • Dentists with Over 30 Years of Experience


Veneers lying next to dental instruments

Perhaps you have a slight crack in your tooth. Or maybe there’s a stain that no amount of whitening has been able to remove. Or you might even have a tooth with a somewhat unusual shape. When you notice too many flaws to count in the mirror, you’ll most likely want a solution that takes care of all of them at once. We can cover each of these issues simultaneously with veneers – thin porcelain restorations that give the front side of your damaged teeth a dazzling, natural appearance.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Examining patients teeth with a dental mirror

Metal restorations are designed only to hold a weakened tooth together and prevent further damage; they are not made to take appearances into account. When you want to fix a tooth but aren’t comfortable with the idea of having a very noticeable piece of metal attached to your smile, get in touch with Little Rock Family Dental Care; our crowns are made out of a ceramic material that imitates many of the natural characteristics of teeth, including the way they reflect light.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Blonde woman holding mouth open for cosmetic dental bonding

A slight change to a tooth can significantly alter the impact it has on your smile. For minor chips, cracks, and flaws that don’t require the use of a veneer or crown, we can instead apply a small amount of composite resin. This material (which is also used for filling cavities) is virtually unnoticeable when shaded appropriately, and by molding it, we can slightly adjust the tooth’s shape as well as its general appearance.

Learn More About Dental Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Male patient in dental chair receiving teeth whitening

Making a great first impression at a job interview or on a date is so much easier when you have a bright smile that you can be proud to show off, which is why teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. You can use one of our custom-made take-home kits if you would rather have the process done at your own pace, but those looking for quick results should schedule a professional in-office treatment; your new grin will be six to eight shades brighter in about an hour!

CandidPro Clear Aligners

Close up of hand holding a clear aligner

Slightly misaligned or crowded teeth can impact your self-confidence with time, causing you to want to hide your grin behind your hand instead of letting it show whenever you’re happy or excited. Instead of committing to over a year of metal brackets and wires, you can opt for a much more discreet alternative, CandidPro clear aligners. These utilize plastic, clear trays to gently and strategically shift your teeth into alignment without making it noticeable that you’re undergoing treatment.

Gum Recontouring

Illustration of gums being treated with laser

Your gums frame your smile, but they might end up drawing unwanted attention if they cover more enamel than they should. With a gum recontouring procedure, we can get rid of unnecessary gum tissue, leaving the smile with a more balanced appearance. While the procedure is usually performed with metal tools, we can use a soft-tissue laser instead for a more comfortable treatment that results in less bleeding and an accelerated recovery.

Smile Makeovers

Woman pointing to her teeth and smiling

Our dentists at Little Rock Family Dental Care understand the struggles that a lackluster, stained, and chipped smile can cause. With a smile makeover, though, we can turn any dull or displeasing grin into a beautiful work of art. By strategically choosing multiple cosmetic services and building one cohesive plan, we can address the problem areas of your smile so that you like what you see when looking in the mirror.

Learn More About Smile Makeover

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Man holding denture and wad of cash

When it comes to making your smile shine, we have what you need right here at Little Rock Family Dental Care. However, one of the most pressing issues on anyone’s mind when it comes to cosmetic dentistry is the cost. If you’re asking yourself “How much is my new smile going to cost me?” We’re here to help! We will always give you a personalized estimate of cost before you begin any treatment, and our knowledgeable staff will review all your options for making your new smile as affordable as possible. Read on to learn more about the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Little Rock.

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What Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Man in green shirt smiling in kitchen

When you visit us for a consultation, we’ll help you determine which treatments are right for you based on the results you’re interested in as well as your budget. Let’s review how the costs of a few of our most popular cosmetic treatments compare:

  • Cosmetic Dental Bonding – This treatment uses a tooth-colored resin to fill in and reshape dental imperfections. It’s a quick and cost-effective service that can dramatically improve your smile! This affordable treatment will need to be redone every few years.
  • Teeth Whitening – Another quick and cost-effective way to significantly boost your appearance is teeth whitening. These professional treatments are more expensive than what you’ll find on the market, but their results are well worth the extra cost!
  • Veneers – While by no means the cheapest cosmetic service, veneers are one of the most versatile treatments available. These thin shells of dental porcelain provide the highest quality results when it comes to concealing imperfections, and they can last for 15 years or more.
  • Gum Recontouring – This mid-range cosmetic treatment improves your smile without touching your teeth! We’ll remove the excess tissue from your “gummy smile” to reveal the natural beauty of your pearly whites.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

Woman in striped shirt sitting in front of couch working on laptop

When you invest in cosmetic dentistry, you’re doing much more than just changing how your teeth look. In reality, you’re also changing how you feel about your smile as well as how others see you. When you know that your teeth look beautiful, you’ll be much more likely to show them off. As you naturally begin to smile more, the body triggers the release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins and dopamine. Plus, studies show that having a pretty smile can make you seem more attractive, successful, and friendly.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Man filling out form next to female dentist

Dental insurance does not typically cover elective cosmetic treatments. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean that your new smile will break the bank! In addition to helping you choose services that fit into your budget, we are proud to offer:

  • Flexible financing ­– We’ve partnered with a third-party company called CareCredit, which allows qualifying patients to choose from a variety of payment plans. This way, you can break up the cost of your cosmetic services into smaller monthly installments!
  • Special offers – We are also excited to offer limited-time special offers on select services. This includes a $150 New Patient Experience, a FREE second opinion, and a raffle to win a free teeth whitening session.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Does cosmetic dentistry hurt?

Even if you are set on transforming your smile, you may still be concerned about the procedure being painful. Let us put your mind at ease. Some cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening do not involve altering the structure of teeth, which means they should be completely pain-free. For those that do entail removing some tooth structure, such as porcelain veneers or crowns, we will administer a local anesthetic, so you experience no discomfort. Following the procedure when the anesthetic has worn off, you could feel very minor, temporary soreness for a day or two.

Am I eligible for cosmetic dentistry?

Not everyone makes a good candidate for cosmetic dental work. To qualify, you must be in good oral health, meaning you cannot have cavities, gum disease, or other issues. If you do have a problem with your oral health, we can revisit cosmetic treatment after the problem has been addressed. To see if you are eligible for cosmetic dentistry, you’ll first need to meet with us and have a consultation. After a thorough examination, we can tell you whether or not you are clear to move forward.

How long will my results last?

Like everything else in life, cosmetic treatment doesn’t exactly last forever. However, you have quite a bit of control over how long your smile stays bright and beautiful. By continuing to brush and floss every day, as well as coming to one of our three locations regularly for checkups and cleanings, you can remove stains and manage any issues before they’re noticeable to you or anyone else. That way, you can always feel confident in your smile when you leave our office!

Is cosmetic dentistry covered by dental insurance?

If you are getting new crowns for restorative purposes, the procedure may be partially covered by insurance. Otherwise, dental insurance plans in general do not cover cosmetic dentistry; however, there are a few rare exceptions. This means that you’ll be responsible for the whole price of treatment. At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we offer a few ways to make your procedure more affordable. For instance, we accept CareCredit, which is a third-party financier. If you qualify, you could get a low-interest rate and pay off your treatment on a monthly basis, not in one larger sum.