In the past, once your tooth was prepared for a dental crown, you had to wait for a couple of weeks for the actual restoration to arrive. Here at Little Rock Family Dental Care, though, we can deliver the protection your smile deserves in just one visit thanks to the advanced E4D system! With this modern technology, you don’t have to worry about inconvenient waiting times, temporary crowns, or messy impressions. If your tooth is damaged, call us right away; we can have you smiling again in no time!
The E4D system uses computer-aided design (CAD) to create a virtual model of your tooth. The results tend to be far more accurate compared to impressions made with dental putty; the process is also much faster and highly comfortable. The scans are then used to design a dental crown (or another type of restoration), and an in-office milling machine will create it using a block of ceramic material. This is all done while you wait in our office, and in many cases it’s possible for us to create multiple restorations over the course of just one visit. The final step is to make any necessary last-minute adjustments to ensure that the restoration fits as perfectly as possible.
We can use our E4D system to help patients with badly damaged teeth, but it’s also useful for making cosmetic corrections. It can be used to make the following restorations:
Precisely designed E4D restorations allow us to provide minimally invasive treatment that preserves as much of your tooth structure as possible. Uncomfortable impressions and temporary crowns are completely removed from the process, and you won’t have to wait for weeks to enjoy an improved smile. And even though they’re made in a matter of hours, the restorations are highly comfortable, long-lasting, natural-looking, and durable.