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Bleachorexia – Excessive Teeth Whitening

December 17, 2014

Filed under: Prevention,Teeth Whitening — lrfamily @ 10:15 am

The growing trend of brilliant white smiles has finally spawned a new type of dental disorder that is sweeping the country. The condition is known as bleachorexia and is characterized by excessive bleaching of the teeth in the hopes of gaining the perfect white smile.

Patients who are in pursuit of gaining magnificent pearly whites are known for bleaching their teeth at home and doing it much more than the recommended amount as prescribed by their dentist or on the product’s box.

This phenomena is very troubling as the whitening methods used by over the counter whitening products use carbamide peroxide as the main whitening ingredient. This chemical is known for stripping teeth of their natural enamel leading to some dangerous side effects. Most notably is the teeth will become brittle and lead to breaking easily. Additionally, some teeth will develop a chalky exterior and will become horribly sensitive due to the removal of the enamel on the teeth. (more…)