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How Soon After a Tooth Extraction Can I Get a Dental Implant?

July 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — lrfamily @ 7:54 pm
Implant dentist discussing X-ray with patient

From extensive decay to serious trauma, there are a number of reasons a tooth extraction may be needed. While this procedure can improve your overall oral health, it’s important to remember that filling the gap in your smile afterward is equally as essential. Neglecting to do so can lead to bone loss, negatively affecting your jawbone structure and face shape. Fortunately, that’s where dental implants come in! Keep reading to learn when you can get dental implants after a tooth extraction.

So, How Long After a Tooth Extraction Can You Get Dental Implants?

In some cases, dental implants can be placed on the same day. However, you’ll typically have to wait a minimum of 10 weeks. After all, a tooth extraction is a major oral surgery! The best way to find out how long you’ll have to wait is by talking to your oral surgeon. After considering factors like your health status, the position of the tooth, and any existing problems (like an infection), they will be able to discuss the probability of immediate, early, and delayed implant placement.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Wait?

From dental bridges to traditional dentures, there are a number of tooth-replacement options to choose from. So, why dental implants? In short, this state-of-the-art treatment is the only one that stimulates your jawbone, preserving the bone and your facial structure. Additionally, dental implants are built to last. As a result, they can last for 20+ years with proper care! Lastly, they are custom-made and meticulously crafted, yielding natural-looking, seamless results.

How Do I Know If I’m a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants have a success rate of over 95%. To ensure you are set up for success, your oral surgeon will consider factors like your gum health, bone density, and lifestyle habits. The good news is that even if an untreated dental problem initially stands in your way, like gum disease, the appropriate restorative solution can be incorporated into your treatment plan beforehand. That way, you can enjoy a full, healthy, beautiful smile again and improve your oral health in the process. So, get in touch with your dentist today to schedule a dental implant consultation!

About the Practice

At Little Rock Family Dental Care, our talented team is proud to offer a comprehensive array of services – from preventive care to dental implants – all at our three state-of-the-art offices. The best part? Our skilled oral surgeons and prosthodontists are available on weekends as well, ensuring you can get the quality care you need without having to miss work or school! If you’d like to learn more about the dental implant process or want to schedule an initial consultation, get in touch with our team via our website or by phone at 501-954-9900.

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