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Making A Case for High Quality Tea Instead of Coffee

July 9, 2015

Filed under: Oral Hygiene — lrfamily @ 9:48 am

High quality tea has been growing in popularity over the past 20 years, which is largely due to its previously unrecognized health benefits. However, did you know that high quality tea also has health benefits for your teeth in addition to overall health?

Tooth Benefits

Most teas, especially green teas, naturally contain catechins, which improve digestion, inhibit viral and bacterial infections, protect against oxidation in your brain and liver, and support healthy gums. Most teas also have significantly lower acidity levels than coffee – high levels of acidity in our bodies is detrimental and can lead to tooth and bone decay.

Just as there are multiple varieties of teas, 1500 give or take (not including herbal teas), there are a variety of benefits. White and green teas have a significantly lower possibility of staining your teeth, and most black teas have chemical properties that prevent plaque-building bacteria from sticking together as easily. (more…)

Pros & Cons of Dental Implants

June 26, 2015

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Dental Implants,Oral Hygiene — lrfamily @ 2:13 pm

If you’re missing a tooth or needing to have one replaced, dental implants may be a good option for you to look into. There are many reasons implants are appealing options for tooth replacement, but there are also factors that need to be taken into consideration before making a decision since despite their utility, dental implants are not for everyone.

Pain experienced from eating, speaking, or daily use is often cured with dental implants. There is a very high success rate for procedures of this kind, and with regular maintenance, they have the capability to last a lifetime.

Additionally, modern tooth replacement and dental implant procedures have been common in the dental community for the past 50 years. First-rate dental implants and procedures can be expected, especially from Little Rock Family Dental Care. (more…)

What is Dental Bonding and How do I Know if I Need it?

May 19, 2015

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry,Oral Hygiene,Veneers and Bonding — lrfamily @ 10:10 am

You’ve probably heard of the term “dental bonding” before; it’s used to fix a myriad of different dental issues. In a lot of cases it’s used cosmetically to repair the aesthetic of a tooth (or teeth). In those instances a dentist will use what is called “tooth colored composite resin.” In other cases though, dental bonding serves as a function, protecting a tooth from further decay, sensitivity or to replace enamel. Even the simplest of things that you routinely go to the dentist for are fixed up through dental bonding or dental filling; like cavities. But that is not the only example of it. Before we get into listing the reasons for the procedure, let’s just explain what it is and how it’s done.

If you’re experiencing sensitivity or pain in your back teeth (ones that aren’t visible), your dentist will use what is called a “filling;” you’ve heard this associated with cavities. If the tooth in question is in the front of your mouth and is seen, then they will perform a “bonding” technique. (more…)

How Should You Be Caring for Your Children’s Teeth?

May 6, 2015

Filed under: Early Dental Care,Oral Hygiene,Prevention — lrfamily @ 9:00 am

Tips for ages 0-5

Some parents may not know all of the intricacies behind caring for their children’s teeth. For example, oral care should be started before the first tooth even appears. From healthy gums come healthy teeth. Between juices and milk there are a lot of sugars that can contribute to harmful bacteria that build up in your child’s mouth (just like adults). So, it’s imperative that this list of helpful tips be read, recognized and exercised especially during the infancy stages.

1.) After every meal be sure to take a wet washcloth over the gums of your infant to rid of any harmful sugars or acids that could contribute to damage to the gums. Even babies can develop tooth decay before the teeth are visible. The first dentist visit for your child should occur close to and by their first birthday. (more…)

The Importance of Including Your Gums in Your Oral Hygiene Regimen

April 28, 2015

Filed under: Oral Hygiene,Prevention — lrfamily @ 1:38 pm

A lot of people know that it’s important to take care of their gums as well as they take care of their teeth. What a lot of people don’t know is how to make sure that they’re doing that.

But first, why are your gums so important? One reason is that periodontal disease (gum disease/gingivitis) is present in more than 50% of adults, and a lot of those people don’t even know that they suffer from it. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of bone loss which can lead to teeth falling out. It’s amazing the amount of people that ignore the signs of gingivitis, most commonly bleeding gums. People will go day in and day out spitting blood into the sink after they brush their teeth and ignore it without talking with a professional. If one day you started bleeding from inside your ears, would you ignore it? Probably not. Bleeding gums are no different and should not be taken lightly. (more…)

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