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Why Do I Grind My Teeth in My Sleep?

January 11, 2018

Filed under: Oral Hygiene — lrfamily @ 8:59 am

Teeth grinding, known as bruxism, most often occurs during the night. It is characterized by the clenching of your jaw muscles and sometimes moving your teeth back and forth against each other. It is an involuntary condition that affects individuals of any age, gender, or race. And if you grind your teeth at night, you’re one of the 8% of adults who also suffer from bruxism.

You may have figured out you grind your teeth in one of many ways. Maybe you determined it for yourself because of consistently waking up with a sore jaw or dull headache. Maybe your dentist took a look at your teeth and noticed the wear and tear on your mouth. Maybe a loved one has even awoken to the sound your teeth make when grinding together.

Whichever way you found out, you now want to know why.

Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear. For years, dentists have been asking this question, but there is no definitive answer. However, we have determined that there are many things that contribute to bruxism. Knowing what these are can help you take active steps against them to mitigate the problem of teeth grinding. (more…)

Root Canal Myths Debunked

Filed under: Endodontics,Root Canal — lrfamily @ 8:59 am

Root canals have garnered a nasty reputation over the years. Whether in movies, on the Internet, or through word-of-mouth, you’ve probably heard things that make you apprehensive about the root canal procedure.

However, the hearsay is often wrong or simply just outdated information.

If you’ve heard that root canals are painful, cause illness, or other scary rumors, don’t believe the hype! Root canals are one of the safest and most pain-free ways to save a natural tooth. So, if you’re scared to get in the dental chair for your root canal procedure, the friendly dentists at Little Rock Family Dental Care are here to put your mind at ease by debunking the myths that surround root canals.

Here are the REAL facts about root canals… (more…)

How 3D Digital Imaging is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Filed under: 3D Digital Imaging — lrfamily @ 8:58 am

The use of technology in dental practices allows for dentists to be on the cutting edge of changes in the industry. Digital imaging, in particular, has benefited from advances that give dental professionals a better idea of the issues patients might have and better diagnose treatment.

At Little Rock Family Dental Care, we offer digital radiography using the PlanMeca® ProMax® 3D Mid which gives our team more effective imagery for all your dental needs. Take a look below at some of the reasons 3D digital imaging has benefits over traditional X-rays and some ways in which it goes beyond the typical imaging most people associate with their trip to the dentist. (more…)