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For the Love! Treat Your Sleep Apnea for Your Partner

January 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lrfamily @ 6:22 pm
woman upset at her partner’s snoring

You’ve been with your partner a long time. You’ve seen each other at your best and worst, and you still stay together and support each other. That’s a love to celebrate and be grateful for this Valentine’s Day!

At this point in the relationship, your partner feels comfortable telling you when something you do annoys them like your loud, constant snoring. Some little irritations are bound to come up in any romantic relationship, but without intervention, this particular one could become a serious problem.

If you have sleep apnea, there’s a gift you can give to both you and your partner—better sleep! Keep reading to learn about the impact sleep apnea can have and why you should get treatment.

How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Relationships

Most of the time, the partner who has sleep apnea doesn’t realize there’s a problem until the person sleeping beside them complains about the snoring. That alone can cause some friction or resentment in a relationship.

When you feel fatigued, you may find that your temper becomes much shorter, potentially leading to fights you normally wouldn’t have. If poor sleep happens frequently, you can even experience mood swings or depression.

Did you know that sleep apnea can also lead to sexual dysfunction? When you and your partner are in the mood for intimacy, you may struggle, which can frustrate you both.

Sleep apnea has also been known to cause difficulty with memory and focus, which can lead to frustrations in a relationship. If your partner asks you to do something, but you forget or don’t really listen to them, chances are they won’t be happy.

The Serious Effects of Sleep Apnea

As upset as your partner may feel about these effects alone, they pale in comparison to the potentially life-threatening risks of this condition when it isn’t properly treated. For instance, those who have untreated sleep apnea are much more likely to get high blood pressure and experience a cardiovascular event like a stroke or heart attack. 

The simple fact that you and your partner aren’t getting enough rest can be dangerous in and of itself. Driving a car or operating machinery while drowsy has been found to be just as hazardous as drunk driving. With an impaired reaction time and ability to focus, you can put yourself, as well as others, in harm’s way by not addressing sleep apnea.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

If you want to save your relationship as well as your health, you can rest easy. Treatment for this condition can be simple. While many sleep doctors will prescribe a CPAP machine, many patients and their partners find this solution almost as annoying as the snoring!

Instead, you may benefit from wearing a custom oral appliance, which keeps your facial tissues from relaxing and blocking the airway and prevents loud snoring.

Ultimately, treating your sleep apnea can help you and your romantic partner get deeper, more restful nights, potentially helping you have better days as well. This Valentine’s Day, instead of giving them flowers, give them something you both can enjoy—sound sleep!

About the Practice

Little Rock Family Dental Care has three locations throughout the city, and we have 11 dentists on staff. As a result, we have late and Saturday appointments available, and we provide a wide menu of services, including sleep apnea therapy with an oral appliance. If you are interested in learning more about treating your sleep apnea, you can contact our team online or by calling one of our locations.

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